Thursday, August 9, 2012

Two months to go

     It has been a while since I have posted, busy summer. I finished an internship at The Gillette News Record at the end of July and made my way back to the "Sunflower State." While I was working 10+ hour days working as a photojournalist, I made sure to get up early enough to run everyday while in Wyoming. Before moving there, I was excited to have a somewhat cooler summer than I would if I had stayed in Kansas. As we all know, this has been one of the hottest summers in history (July was THE hottest month in U.S. history).
     One positive about running in Gillette was the "altitude". The "Energy Capital of the Nation" has an elevation of 4,500 feet. It took me about two weeks before I felt fully acclimated on my runs, but I hope two and a half months up that high will prove beneficial (so far it has since my return to ICT). I ran between 50-60 miles a week in Wyoming.
     I officially registered for the Prairie Fire Marathon last week. The race is on October 14, roughly two months from now. I have increased my mileage to about 70-80 miles a week since getting back to Kansas, mostly because I have had the time to do longer runs. I'll take it back down to 50-60 miles a week when school starts later this month (I'm attending Wichita State University to pursue another degree). 
     My long run for the week is at about 14.5 miles right now, and I am planning to max out on a 20-22 mile long run three weeks before the marathon. My body feels good and my endurance feels good. I need to concentrate a little more on my pace and I want to do some track/speed work before October. My goal, obviously, is to finish under 3:05 and qualify for Boston, although my bigger goal is to finish under 3:00.
     Thank you for keeping up with this little running journal and check back later, please! 

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